Colliding Factors
There is so much change occurring that many firms are trying to assess major steps. The 800-pound gorilla in the room is private equity, but that is not the primary driver. The core driver is aging leadership. The sub-drivers are diminished succession environments and increasing costs of foundational investments like offshoring, advisory, technology, and artificial intelligence.
Resulting Outcomes
Private equity, merging upward/selling, or being the acquirer are actions resulting from aging leadership. Even the ability to remain independent is being challenged by the age catalyst, and foundational investment considerations are fueling decisions to evaluate private equity or merge into a larger firm with more of these pieces already in place.
Your Next Steps?
The story sounds complex, but it is not. In less than 30 minutes, we can explain every option and walk you through the pros and cons of each idea. The accounting profession is all that we work in, and there are very few opportunities or obstacles that we cannot help you resolve.