
Identical Looking Deals May Not Be the Same

Written by Bob Lewis | Jun 6, 2024 1:34:32 PM

The value multiple may look the same, but that is only one piece of a deal structure. Beyond financial elements, there are intangibles. Are you a platform or a tuck-in? Do you have input into the direction of the firm? What resources exist to support your growth or transition when conducting a deal, whether it is a PE or traditional transaction?

Evaluate Your Path

Our process is simple. We walk you through all your options. Can you remain independent, and if so, what do you need to do? Should you merge up, sell, or execute a hybrid transaction? Do you take a private equity path, and if so, do you sell all your equity or retain a percentage of ownership?

These Questions Are Crucial to Understanding Your Future

  • How did they get to the adjusted EBITDA value?
  • What is the level of working capital required?
  • Are there management fees or preferred dividends in the deal? 
  • Is the earnout target clear?

We Have 30 Years of Accounting Firm M&A Expertise

Getting objective options on the next steps for your firm can be challenging. Our approach is to do what is best for the client considering all aspects of a deal. Let us walk you through the process so you can decide if M&A is right for you and, if so, what type of M&A should be your next step.